I appreciate so much that you -- like so many other old women -- speak loudly and openly about how deep the pleasure of sex is for so many of us.
Women are trained not to speak up -- in part because then more of us would be asking throughout our lives for the sex we want -- or the experiments to lead us to the myriads of ways we have the sex we want.
Books like Orentstein's _Girls and Sex_ show tragically how young women think that someone who has sex in a way that only satisfies himself --the sex is a "benefit" only to him -- might actually be their "friend." Which is deeply hilarious and sad all at once.
We live in a society -- like so many others -- which controls women in all kinds of ways. And one of the big ways is controlling our procreation -- making contraceptives and abortion hard to access -- and -- "morally questionable.”
Most women feel extremely sexually liberated when they realize the police won't be after them or their health clinics bombed or their doctors assasinated because they now don't need contraceptive or abortion. I've always thought Planned Parenthood should rename itself Centers for Old Women (COW) and then the vicious thugs -- who invest so much money and time attacking Planned Parenthood and the women who use their services -- would have to find another way to repress women.
Of course, the fad of waxed genitals suggests that the only attractive and sexual women are young, young girls. The dynamic is cruel and destructive, but it's one way our culture keeps us all in line -- unless, of course, we reject this cultural control.